LeadGrabberBoost Your Sale 10x

Key Features of LeadGrabber

Are you struggling to capture leads on your website? Imagine a tool that not only grabs the attention of your visitors but also delights them with a special gift! Introducing LeadGrabber, the WordPress plugin designed to transform your website visitors into engaged leads, effortlessly.

How to Get Started

– Upload and activate the plugin via the ‘Plugins – Add New Plugin/Upload’ screen in WordPress for seamless setup.

– After you activate the plugin, a new section will become visible in the navigation of your

– WordPress admin, called 🎁LeadGrabber
Click on that and start to create your 🎁LeadGrabber sessions.

Fully Customizable Popups

Choose when and where your popup appears.

Grow your potential customer base

Collect names, email addresses, and additional information from your potential customers

Drive more sales

Use discount codes as gifts to increase the number of sales

Boost Business with LeadGrabber🚀


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